zebra=zipper, 40x60 oil on board, 2015
zebra=zipper, 40x60 oil on board, 2015
Collection of Frank and Helen Wewers

Archer=Arrow, 30x30 oil on board, 2016

Buffalo, 30x40 oil on canvas, 2015
Buffalo, 30"x40" oil on canvas
Installation view Cafe Gratitude

Buckstrokes, 30"40" oil on board, 2015
Buckstrokes, 30"x40" oil on board, 2015
Collection of Frank and Helen Wewers

Bunny=Beginning , 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2015
"Bunnies" installation view Cafe Gratitude

Bunny=Bandit, 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2015

Prairie=Parrot, 30"x40" oil on canvas, 2015
Prairie=Parrot, 30"x40" oil on canvas, 2015
Installation view Cafe Gratitude

Elk=Elements, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Elk=Elements, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitdue

Faun, 40"x60" oil on board, 2016
Faun, 40"x60" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude

Mallard, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Mallard, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude

Jack, 22"x48" oil on board, 2016

Jack, 22"x48" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude

Polar Bear, 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2016

Stingray, 40"x60", oil on board, 2016

Giraffe, 36"x48" oil on board, 2016
Giraffe, 36"x48" oil on board, 2016
Instillation view

Walleye, 30"x40" oil on canvas 2016

zebra=zipper, 40x60 oil on board, 2015
zebra=zipper, 40x60 oil on board, 2015
Collection of Frank and Helen Wewers
Archer=Arrow, 30x30 oil on board, 2016
Buffalo, 30x40 oil on canvas, 2015
Buffalo, 30"x40" oil on canvas
Installation view Cafe Gratitude
Buckstrokes, 30"40" oil on board, 2015
Buckstrokes, 30"x40" oil on board, 2015
Collection of Frank and Helen Wewers
Bunny=Beginning , 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2015
"Bunnies" installation view Cafe Gratitude
Bunny=Bandit, 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2015
Prairie=Parrot, 30"x40" oil on canvas, 2015
Prairie=Parrot, 30"x40" oil on canvas, 2015
Installation view Cafe Gratitude
Elk=Elements, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Elk=Elements, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitdue
Faun, 40"x60" oil on board, 2016
Faun, 40"x60" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude
Mallard, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Mallard, 30"x40" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude
Jack, 22"x48" oil on board, 2016
Jack, 22"x48" oil on board, 2016
Installation view Cafe Gratitude
Polar Bear, 19"x24" mixed media on paper, 2016
Stingray, 40"x60", oil on board, 2016
Giraffe, 36"x48" oil on board, 2016
Giraffe, 36"x48" oil on board, 2016
Instillation view
Walleye, 30"x40" oil on canvas 2016
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